Welcome to STB PlayBack in our second instalment of our playback series highlighting choice bits from podcasts Episodes 7 through to 11.
From Ep 7 we get an inside with BNSW CEO Maria Nordstrom into the successful bid for Australia to host the FIBA WWC 2022 in Sydney.
From Ep 8 get to know BNSW up and comers, 2020 Flames Development Players Alana Goodchild and from Ep10 Kitty Henderson.
In Ep9 we delve into the unique perspective of a sports sponsor with longstanding Flames sponsor Lee Hagipentalis from Brydens Lawyers.
Finally from Ep11 we check in with Coach Frog as the Flames team takes shape and a no import season provides an unbelievable opportunity for emerging talent.
Tune in and enjoy!

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